Faunalogy Inc.

Like you, we love our animals. We love them for so many reasons, not the least of which is the unconditional and nonjudgmental love that they give us every day.

However, we also want to have fun! We get one life to live and we want to live that to the fullest. How do we find the balance? That’s where Faunalogy comes in.

Faunalogy was created to help you find that harmony.

With over 20 years of experience creating veterinary devices to help vets care for their patients, the founders of Faunalogy saw that the pet parents could also use a hand (or paw) in caring for their beloved pets.

Faunalogy develops technology to care for your pets safely and consistently, taking the “chores” away so that all that is left are the snuggles. Big meeting tomorrow? Then stay late at work.  A friend’s birthday today? Go and enjoy the celebration until the cows come home! Shuttling the kids from soccer to baseball to lacrosse? No problem! Go on a date or a getaway. Trek through ridiculously harsh landscapes and eat bugs with Bear Grylls. Live your life to the fullest! Faunalogy will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your little companion is well taken care of at home.

Convenient, Automated Wet Food Feeding

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